I have been learning to design my own book covers, and I've also submitted a few to SelfPubBookCovers.com.
I'll also be posting some here that SPBC has rejected or that I don't want to submit to them for one reason or another. If you like one, email me, and we'll discuss your purchasing it. If you do, I won't sell it to anyone else--it will be permanently yours--and depending on what we agree on I may put it here with a link to your Amazon page or whatever, as an example of a sold cover.
Here is the first one:
Here's a design that an author I'm making a cover for did not choose (I had made two possible designs; he chose the other):
It's still a rough version--I haven't purchased the stock images to create a clean copy, and I'd spend more time perfecting the paint/blood spill and the title if I was making a final version.
I'm also more than happy to discuss creating a custom cover, if you like my work (check out the covers of my novels in the sidebar to the left). I'm just starting out so I'm probably going to be a lot cheaper to hire for a while than your average pro artist. :)
Would you be willing to read a book and then discuss making a cover? E-mail me at rdavis060@gmail.com if you are interested